Apple cider vinegar

Health benefits from apple cider

An apple a day can keep the doctor away, right? There are many benefits from consuming apple cider vinegar. It may help sinus and sore throat infections, balance high cholesterol and improve skin conditions such as acne.

Make 2-3 bottles


  • 2 kg apples, unwashed
  • 1 cup sugar or fructose or ¾ cup honey
  • 3 ½ litres non-chlorinated water


  1. Chop apples into a bucket – including pips and stems.
  2. Add water and sweetener and dissolve in some of the water.
  3. Cover with a clean towel and leave at room temperature to ferment for 10 days, dunking apples every day.
  4. Strain through muslin into glass or ceramic bottles, leave uncorked and the liquid will turn into vinegar in about two weeks, with sediment in the base and scum on the top.
Page Last Reviewed: 17 Aug 2021
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