Fruit fly restrictions for retailers selling fruit and vegetables

Retailers can only sell restricted fruit and vegetables grown in a red outbreak area (Corrective Action Zone, or CAZ) or yellow suspension area (Export Assurance Zone, or EAZ) if they have made sure the fruit and vegetables have been treated and securely packed, and PIRSA has given approval.

Check the outbreak map to see if your business or suppliers are in a fruit fly affected area (Controlled Movement Zone, or CMZ).

Buying from growers or wholesalers in a Controlled Movement Zone

Retailers buying from a wholesaler located in a Controlled Movement Zone need to make sure PIRSA has given approval to store and move restricted fruit and vegetables securely.

The wholesaler needs either an Inspector Direction Certificate or a Chief Inspectors Movement Certificate issued by a PIRSA Plant Health Inspector. Businesses must keep copies of their certificates.

A retailer in the Controlled Movement Zone needs to verify with its growers and suppliers that their ability to supply restricted fruit and vegetables has not been impacted.

Secure conditions required for retail stores selling in red outbreak areas

Retailers in a Corrective Action Zone must maintain secure conditions for restricted fruit and vegetables during transport, unloading and offloading, storage, and display.

You can meet and maintain secure conditions by:

  • enclosing the outer packaging or building (known as secure packaging, secure transport, or enclosed facility); or
  • keeping restricted fruit and vegetables under 13°C (known as low air temperature).

Find out how to meet and maintain secure conditions.

Displaying fruit and vegetables

Retailers who normally display restricted fruit and vegetables outside have two options:

1. Inside displays

Retailers can swap their outdoor displays to non-restricted fruit and vegetables and move all restricted fruit and vegetables indoors.

Restricted fruit and vegetables must be kept more than 1.5m away from open access points (doors or windows that open directly to the environment) that do not remain closed when not in use. Examples of accepted doors include automatic doors or plastic strip curtains.

2. Outside displays

If retailers continue to display restricted fruit and vegetables outside and within 1.5m of any doors, or are unable to keep doors shut, then the restricted fruit and vegetables inside the store must be securely packed or maintained under 13°C.

Disposing of fruit and vegetable waste

Find out how to dispose of restricted fruit and vegetables in green waste bins.

Translated fruit fly information for retailers

Page Last Reviewed: 02 Jan 2024
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