New Mediterranean fruit fly outbreak area at Ceduna. Check your address on the outbreak map.

Travel restrictions for fruit and vegetables in SA

South Australia has rules on which fruit, vegetables, plants, and plant products can be brought into the state and the Riverland Pest Free Area (PFA). These measures are important to prevent fruit fly from spreading, and there is a zero-tolerance policy in place.

You must eat the restricted items or dispose of them in the quarantine bins that are clearly signed across SA at road entry points, airports, and rail terminals.

When travelling, your vehicle will be checked for non-permitted produce at:

  • quarantine stations located on highways at key entry points into the state
  • random roadblocks located after quarantine bins across the state.

You'll be fined if you're caught with restricted fruit, vegetables, plants, or plant products at the Yamba quarantine station, or at random roadblocks. You can't use a receipt to bring produce that is at risk from fruit fly.

Check if you're travelling in fruit fly outbreak areas

Restrictions are in place across South Australia to control fruit fly outbreaks and protect our industries.

Use the outbreak map to see if you’re travelling in these areas and to understand the rules that apply.

Check map

Travellers resource kit

Download ready-made resources for travellers to use in SA businesses and communities. These help to promote buying local produce and advise travellers of the restricted items that are at risk of fruit fly.

Stay informed

Call the Fruit Fly Hotline

Report suspected fruit fly or get answers to your fruit fly questions. The hotline is open 24 hours.

Call 1300 666 010
Page Last Reviewed: 18 Mar 2025


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